Пете Оливери

ЦЕО / АУТОР Фреаки Схоес®

Упознајте Пита Оливерија, креативну снагу и покретачког визионара који стоји иза Фреаки Схоес-а. Рођен у Њу Џерсију, Пете је успешан амерички уметник посвећен индустрији потрошачких производа више од 20 година, остављајући неизбрисив траг у различитим доменима као што су графички дизајн и дизајн амбалаже, илустрација и развој производа. Његов изузетан таленат донео му је признања, укључујући престижну награду Био Цомицс за његов изузетан рад на развоју садржаја стрипа. Међутим, Питово крајње достигнуће лежи у његовој улози оснивача, извршног директора и креативног генија Фреаки Схоес-а.


Unleash Your Creativity: Artistic Custom Shoes by Freaky Shoes

Unleash Your Creativity: Artistic Custom Shoes ...

Pete Oliveri

When it comes to shopping for things that can exhibit one’s creative side, we often tend to express it by accessorizing our outfit or incorporating the use of certain prints,...

Unleash Your Creativity: Artistic Custom Shoes ...

Pete Oliveri

When it comes to shopping for things that can exhibit one’s creative side, we often tend to express it by accessorizing our outfit or incorporating the use of certain prints,...

Sustainable Custom Shoes: The Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Better World

Sustainable Custom Shoes: The Ultimate Guide to...

Pete Oliveri

Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if there were a way in which our fashion choices could aid in saving Planet Earth and make the world a safer place to live...

Sustainable Custom Shoes: The Ultimate Guide to...

Pete Oliveri

Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if there were a way in which our fashion choices could aid in saving Planet Earth and make the world a safer place to live...

What Does GS Mean in Shoes? (Find Out Here)

Шта ГС значи у ципелама? (Сазнај овде)

Pete Oliveri

Да ли сте икада наишли на термин „ГС“ док сте куповали ципеле и запитали се шта то значи? Па, то вам разјашњавамо у овом чланку. Ево прво кратког одговора:  ГС...

Шта ГС значи у ципелама? (Сазнај овде)

Pete Oliveri

Да ли сте икада наишли на термин „ГС“ док сте куповали ципеле и запитали се шта то значи? Па, то вам разјашњавамо у овом чланку. Ево прво кратког одговора:  ГС...

Unleash Your Unique Style with Custom Workout Shoes from Freaky Shoes

Unleash Your Unique Style with Custom Workout S...

Pete Oliveri

  Workout is not just about which exercises you do or how much you lift. It’s also about what you wear. Why? Well, the right gear helps you do all...

Unleash Your Unique Style with Custom Workout S...

Pete Oliveri

  Workout is not just about which exercises you do or how much you lift. It’s also about what you wear. Why? Well, the right gear helps you do all...

The Ultimate Guide to Customized Sports Shoes with FreakyShoes

The Ultimate Guide to Customized Sports Shoes w...

Pete Oliveri

We’re seeing the rise in the trend of wearing custom shoes when playing sports. Well, it’s understandable, too. Customized shoes offer supreme comfort, which you won’t feel when you try...

The Ultimate Guide to Customized Sports Shoes w...

Pete Oliveri

We’re seeing the rise in the trend of wearing custom shoes when playing sports. Well, it’s understandable, too. Customized shoes offer supreme comfort, which you won’t feel when you try...

Your Style, Your Shoes: Explore Freaky Shoes's Custom Creations

Your Style, Your Shoes: Explore Freaky Shoes's ...

Pete Oliveri

Not many people think of their shoes when planning an outfit, but shoes are the first thing other people notice in your look. Your footwear says a lot about you,...

Your Style, Your Shoes: Explore Freaky Shoes's ...

Pete Oliveri

Not many people think of their shoes when planning an outfit, but shoes are the first thing other people notice in your look. Your footwear says a lot about you,...

Дизајн ципела
РТ5 Куицк
$399.95 $115.00
FS4 Quick
$389.95 $100.00
$389.95 $100.00
$399.95 $115.00
$389.95 $100.00