5 Simple Methods to Clean Toddler Shoes

5 Simple Methods to Clean Toddler Shoes

A lot of parents tell us that they don’t know how to clean their kids’ shoes properly. To be honest, it is indeed a tricky thing to do.

But now, you don’t have to worry because we are here with the five simplest methods that anyone can do. 

The easiest methods to clean toddler shoes are:

  • Hand wash with mild soap.
  • Machine wash
  • Baking soda solution (which will also get rid of odor)
  • Magic eraser fix.
  • The Vinegar method.
  • Each has five steps, which means they don’t take much time, either. Why trust us? Well, we've been in the footwear business for years and are now sharing our experience.

    So, keep reading!

    Key Takeaways

  • Hand washing with mild soap is a gentle and effective method to remove small stains.
  • We’ve found machine washing fabric shoes to be super convenient, especially if the stains are stubborn.
  • Baking soda naturally removes odors.
  • You can use the magic erasers to fix scuff marks quickly.
  • The vinegar is the fifth method that gently cleans leather shoes, but you have to be careful.
  • Method #01: Hand Wash with Mild Soap

    Hand washing toddler shoes is the first method we have for you. The reason we’re sharing it is because parents have found it to be really easy and fun. Here’s what to do:

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let’s get everything ready. You’ll need: 

    • A soft brush
    • A bowl of warm water
    • Some mild soap. Baby shampoo works great because it’s gentle. 

    Avoid using strong detergents. They can hurt the fabric of the shoes and might irritate your toddler’s skin. 

    It’s important to have everything in place before you start. This saves time and makes the process smoother.

    Remove Excess Dirt

    Next, we need to get rid of loose dirt. Take an old toothbrush or any soft brush you have. 

    Brush off any dirt from the shoes. Pay extra attention to the soles and the seams because dirt likes to hide there. 

    Doing this before washing makes the cleaning process easier.

    Prepare the Soapy Water

    Now, we’ll make our cleaning solution. Mix a small amount (half spoon) of mild soap into the warm water. It doesn’t have to be very soapy, just enough to clean the shoes well. Stir the water a bit to mix the soap in properly. 

    This step is crucial because it ensures the shoes get cleaned without being damaged. If you use too much soap, it can be hard to rinse out and might leave residue on the shoes.

    Wash the Shoes

    Dip your brush into the soapy water and start scrubbing the shoes gently. Focus on areas that are really dirty but be gentle. Use small motions to lift the dirt. If the shoes have laces, take them out and wash them separately. 

    This way, every part of the shoes gets cleaned thoroughly.

    Rinse and Dry

    Finally, rinse the shoes with clean water to get rid of any soap. Pat them dry with a towel, too. To keep the shoes in shape, stuff them with paper towels. 

    Let the air dry in a place with good ventilation. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight as it can cause the colors to fade. 

    Make sure the shoes are completely dry before your toddler wears them again to prevent any discomfort or mildew.

    Following these steps will make your toddler’s shoes look as good as new. 

    Method #02: Machine Wash (For Fabric Shoes)

    In our experience, machine washing fabric shoes can save time and effort. Just do these steps:

    Check the Labels

    First, always check the care labels on the shoes. These labels will tell you if the shoes are machine washable. Some shoes may have special instructions or warnings and ignoring these can lead to damage. 

    If the label says they’re machine washable, then you’re good to go. If not, it's best to stick to hand washing.

    Remove Laces and Insoles

    Next, take out the laces and insoles. This prevents them from tangling and ensures they get cleaned properly. You can wash the laces separately or replace them if they’re too dirty. 

    Moreover, removing the insoles helps them dry faster and more thoroughly. Plus, it lets you clean every part of the shoe properly.

    Pre-Treat Stains

    Before putting the shoes in the machine, pre-treat any stains. Use a mild stain remover or a bit of laundry detergent. Apply it to the stained areas only. After this, gently scrub with a soft brush or a cotton cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes. 

    This step helps lift the stains, making the machine wash more effectively.

    Use a Laundry Bag

    A laundry bag protects the shoes from getting too banged up in the wash. It also prevents them from damaging other items in the machine. 

    If you don’t have a laundry bag, you can use an old pillowcase. Just tie the end to keep the shoes secure.

    Wash on a Gentle Cycle

    In this step, we suggest setting your washing machine to a gentle cycle with cold water. Use a small amount of mild detergent. Never use bleach or harsh chemicals here.

    A gentle cycle cleans the shoes without being too rough on them. Once the cycle is complete, remove the shoes immediately to prevent any musty smell.

    Method #03: Use Baking Soda for Odor Removal

    Removing odors from toddler shoes can be tricky, but we’ve found that baking soda can be an effective solution. Let’s go through this simple Baking soda method step by step.

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let's gather what we need. You’ll need:

    • Baking soda
    • A small spoon
    • A pair of clean socks or coffee filters. 

    Baking soda is a great choice because it’s safe, natural, and effective at neutralizing odors. We want to avoid any harsh chemicals that could harm our little one's feet.

    Prepare the Baking Soda

    Next, measure out the baking soda. Use about two tablespoons per shoe. This amount is usually enough to absorb odors effectively. If the shoes are particularly smelly, you can use a little more. 

    Make sure to use fresh baking soda for the best results. Old or expired baking soda might not work as well.

    Place the Baking Soda in Socks or Filters

    Now, put the baking soda into the socks or coffee filters. If you’re using socks, make sure they are clean and don’t have any holes. Fill each sock with the baking soda and tie the top to keep the powder inside. 

    If you’re using coffee filters, you can secure them with a rubber band. This step helps contain the baking soda and makes it easy to place inside the shoes.

    Insert into the Shoes

    Insert the filled socks or filters into the shoes. Push them down into the toe area, where odors tend to be the strongest. 

    Make sure the baking soda is spread out evenly inside the shoe. This ensures that it can absorb odors from all parts of the shoe. Let the soda sit in the shoes overnight or for at least 8 hours.

    Remove and Shake Out

    Finally, remove the socks or filters and shake out any remaining baking soda. It’s a good idea to do this outside. We suggest doing it over a trash can to avoid making a mess. If any baking soda is left inside the shoe, just wipe it out with a dry cloth. Your toddler’s shoes should now be fresh and odor-free.

    Method #04: Magic Eraser for Scuff Marks

    If you want to remove scuff marks from toddler shoes, then we’ve the best solution for you. Use Magic erasers. Here’s what to do:

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let's gather everything we need. You’ll need: 

    • A magic eraser
    • A bowl of water
    • A soft cloth. 

    Magic erasers are perfect for this job because they can remove marks without damaging the shoe material. We want to ensure the process is safe and effective for our little one's shoes.

    Wet the Magic Eraser

    Next, wet the magic eraser. Dip it into the bowl of water and squeeze out the excess. The eraser should be damp, not dripping wet. If it's too wet, it might leave water spots on the shoes. 

    Keeping it just damp helps it work more efficiently to remove scuff marks without making a mess.

    Test on a Small Area

    Before you start cleaning, test the magic eraser on a small, hidden area of the shoe. This step is important to make sure the eraser doesn’t damage the material or color. 

    Rub gently and check the area. If it looks good, you’re ready to proceed. We want to be cautious to avoid any unwanted damage.

    Remove the Scuff Marks

    Gently rub the magic eraser over the scuff marks. Use small, circular motions to lift the marks off. Be gentle, or else you will end up damaging the shoe’s surface. 

    If the marks are stubborn, you can apply a bit more pressure, but always start gently. The magic eraser should do most of the work for you.

    Wipe and Dry

    Finally, wipe the shoe with a soft cloth to remove any residue from the eraser. Make sure the shoe is completely dry before your toddler wears it again. This ensures there’s no leftover moisture that could make the shoes slippery or uncomfortable. Drying also helps to preserve the shoe’s material and prevent any damage.

    Method #05: Cleaning Leather Shoes with Vinegar

    Cleaning kids’ leather shoes can be tricky, but vinegar is a great natural solution. We’ve tried this method several times, and it gave us the best results.

    Collect All the Supplies

    First, let’s get everything ready. You’ll need: 

    • White vinegar
    • Water
    • A soft cloth
    • A small bowl. 

    Vinegar is perfect for cleaning leather because it’s gentle yet effective. Make sure you use white vinegar, as other types might stain the leather. 

    Mix the Solution

    Next, mix the cleaning solution. Combine equal parts white vinegar and water in the bowl. This dilution ensures the vinegar is not too strong, which could damage the leather. Stir the mixture well. Using the right ratio is crucial to clean effectively without harming the shoe’s material.

    Test on a Small Area

    Before you start cleaning, test the solution on a small, hidden area of the shoe. Dip the cloth/cotton ball in the vinegar solution and gently dab it on the test spot. Wait a few minutes to see if there’s any discoloration or damage. 

    This step is important to make sure the solution is safe for your specific leather shoes.

    Clean the Shoes

    Now, gently clean the shoes with the vinegar solution. Just dampen the cloth and rub it over the leather in small, circular motions. Focus on dirty areas but be gentle to avoid scratching the leather. 

    If the cloth gets too dirty, rinse it in the solution and continue. This method ensures the shoes get cleaned without being damaged.

    Dry and Condition

    Finally, dry the shoes with a clean, soft cloth. Make sure to remove all the vinegar solution to prevent any residue. Let the shoes air dry completely. Once they’re dry, apply a leather conditioner. Doing this will keep the leather soft and prevent it from drying out.

    That’s it.

    That’s all about how you can clean toddler shoes!

    A lot of parents tell us that they don’t know how to clean their kids’ shoes properly. To be honest, it is indeed a tricky thing to do.

    But now, you don’t have to worry because we are here with the five simplest methods that anyone can do. 

    The easiest methods to clean toddler shoes are:

  • Hand wash with mild soap.
  • Machine wash
  • Baking soda solution (which will also get rid of odor)
  • Magic eraser fix.
  • The Vinegar method.
  • Each has five steps, which means they don’t take much time, either. Why trust us? Well, we've been in the footwear business for years and are now sharing our experience.

    So, keep reading!

    Key Takeaways

  • Hand washing with mild soap is a gentle and effective method to remove small stains.
  • We’ve found machine washing fabric shoes to be super convenient, especially if the stains are stubborn.
  • Baking soda naturally removes odors.
  • You can use the magic erasers to fix scuff marks quickly.
  • The vinegar is the fifth method that gently cleans leather shoes, but you have to be careful.
  • Method #01: Hand Wash with Mild Soap

    Hand washing toddler shoes is the first method we have for you. The reason we’re sharing it is because parents have found it to be really easy and fun. Here’s what to do:

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let’s get everything ready. You’ll need: 

    • A soft brush
    • A bowl of warm water
    • Some mild soap. Baby shampoo works great because it’s gentle. 

    Avoid using strong detergents. They can hurt the fabric of the shoes and might irritate your toddler’s skin. 

    It’s important to have everything in place before you start. This saves time and makes the process smoother.

    Remove Excess Dirt

    Next, we need to get rid of loose dirt. Take an old toothbrush or any soft brush you have. 

    Brush off any dirt from the shoes. Pay extra attention to the soles and the seams because dirt likes to hide there. 

    Doing this before washing makes the cleaning process easier.

    Prepare the Soapy Water

    Now, we’ll make our cleaning solution. Mix a small amount (half spoon) of mild soap into the warm water. It doesn’t have to be very soapy, just enough to clean the shoes well. Stir the water a bit to mix the soap in properly. 

    This step is crucial because it ensures the shoes get cleaned without being damaged. If you use too much soap, it can be hard to rinse out and might leave residue on the shoes.

    Wash the Shoes

    Dip your brush into the soapy water and start scrubbing the shoes gently. Focus on areas that are really dirty but be gentle. Use small motions to lift the dirt. If the shoes have laces, take them out and wash them separately. 

    This way, every part of the shoes gets cleaned thoroughly.

    Rinse and Dry

    Finally, rinse the shoes with clean water to get rid of any soap. Pat them dry with a towel, too. To keep the shoes in shape, stuff them with paper towels. 

    Let the air dry in a place with good ventilation. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight as it can cause the colors to fade. 

    Make sure the shoes are completely dry before your toddler wears them again to prevent any discomfort or mildew.

    Following these steps will make your toddler’s shoes look as good as new. 

    Method #02: Machine Wash (For Fabric Shoes)

    In our experience, machine washing fabric shoes can save time and effort. Just do these steps:

    Check the Labels

    First, always check the care labels on the shoes. These labels will tell you if the shoes are machine washable. Some shoes may have special instructions or warnings and ignoring these can lead to damage. 

    If the label says they’re machine washable, then you’re good to go. If not, it's best to stick to hand washing.

    Remove Laces and Insoles

    Next, take out the laces and insoles. This prevents them from tangling and ensures they get cleaned properly. You can wash the laces separately or replace them if they’re too dirty. 

    Moreover, removing the insoles helps them dry faster and more thoroughly. Plus, it lets you clean every part of the shoe properly.

    Pre-Treat Stains

    Before putting the shoes in the machine, pre-treat any stains. Use a mild stain remover or a bit of laundry detergent. Apply it to the stained areas only. After this, gently scrub with a soft brush or a cotton cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes. 

    This step helps lift the stains, making the machine wash more effectively.

    Use a Laundry Bag

    A laundry bag protects the shoes from getting too banged up in the wash. It also prevents them from damaging other items in the machine. 

    If you don’t have a laundry bag, you can use an old pillowcase. Just tie the end to keep the shoes secure.

    Wash on a Gentle Cycle

    In this step, we suggest setting your washing machine to a gentle cycle with cold water. Use a small amount of mild detergent. Never use bleach or harsh chemicals here.

    A gentle cycle cleans the shoes without being too rough on them. Once the cycle is complete, remove the shoes immediately to prevent any musty smell.

    Method #03: Use Baking Soda for Odor Removal

    Removing odors from toddler shoes can be tricky, but we’ve found that baking soda can be an effective solution. Let’s go through this simple Baking soda method step by step.

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let's gather what we need. You’ll need:

    • Baking soda
    • A small spoon
    • A pair of clean socks or coffee filters. 

    Baking soda is a great choice because it’s safe, natural, and effective at neutralizing odors. We want to avoid any harsh chemicals that could harm our little one's feet.

    Prepare the Baking Soda

    Next, measure out the baking soda. Use about two tablespoons per shoe. This amount is usually enough to absorb odors effectively. If the shoes are particularly smelly, you can use a little more. 

    Make sure to use fresh baking soda for the best results. Old or expired baking soda might not work as well.

    Place the Baking Soda in Socks or Filters

    Now, put the baking soda into the socks or coffee filters. If you’re using socks, make sure they are clean and don’t have any holes. Fill each sock with the baking soda and tie the top to keep the powder inside. 

    If you’re using coffee filters, you can secure them with a rubber band. This step helps contain the baking soda and makes it easy to place inside the shoes.

    Insert into the Shoes

    Insert the filled socks or filters into the shoes. Push them down into the toe area, where odors tend to be the strongest. 

    Make sure the baking soda is spread out evenly inside the shoe. This ensures that it can absorb odors from all parts of the shoe. Let the soda sit in the shoes overnight or for at least 8 hours.

    Remove and Shake Out

    Finally, remove the socks or filters and shake out any remaining baking soda. It’s a good idea to do this outside. We suggest doing it over a trash can to avoid making a mess. If any baking soda is left inside the shoe, just wipe it out with a dry cloth. Your toddler’s shoes should now be fresh and odor-free.

    Method #04: Magic Eraser for Scuff Marks

    If you want to remove scuff marks from toddler shoes, then we’ve the best solution for you. Use Magic erasers. Here’s what to do:

    Gather Your Supplies

    First, let's gather everything we need. You’ll need: 

    • A magic eraser
    • A bowl of water
    • A soft cloth. 

    Magic erasers are perfect for this job because they can remove marks without damaging the shoe material. We want to ensure the process is safe and effective for our little one's shoes.

    Wet the Magic Eraser

    Next, wet the magic eraser. Dip it into the bowl of water and squeeze out the excess. The eraser should be damp, not dripping wet. If it's too wet, it might leave water spots on the shoes. 

    Keeping it just damp helps it work more efficiently to remove scuff marks without making a mess.

    Test on a Small Area

    Before you start cleaning, test the magic eraser on a small, hidden area of the shoe. This step is important to make sure the eraser doesn’t damage the material or color. 

    Rub gently and check the area. If it looks good, you’re ready to proceed. We want to be cautious to avoid any unwanted damage.

    Remove the Scuff Marks

    Gently rub the magic eraser over the scuff marks. Use small, circular motions to lift the marks off. Be gentle, or else you will end up damaging the shoe’s surface. 

    If the marks are stubborn, you can apply a bit more pressure, but always start gently. The magic eraser should do most of the work for you.

    Wipe and Dry

    Finally, wipe the shoe with a soft cloth to remove any residue from the eraser. Make sure the shoe is completely dry before your toddler wears it again. This ensures there’s no leftover moisture that could make the shoes slippery or uncomfortable. Drying also helps to preserve the shoe’s material and prevent any damage.

    Method #05: Cleaning Leather Shoes with Vinegar

    Cleaning kids’ leather shoes can be tricky, but vinegar is a great natural solution. We’ve tried this method several times, and it gave us the best results.

    Collect All the Supplies

    First, let’s get everything ready. You’ll need: 

    • White vinegar
    • Water
    • A soft cloth
    • A small bowl. 

    Vinegar is perfect for cleaning leather because it’s gentle yet effective. Make sure you use white vinegar, as other types might stain the leather. 

    Mix the Solution

    Next, mix the cleaning solution. Combine equal parts white vinegar and water in the bowl. This dilution ensures the vinegar is not too strong, which could damage the leather. Stir the mixture well. Using the right ratio is crucial to clean effectively without harming the shoe’s material.

    Test on a Small Area

    Before you start cleaning, test the solution on a small, hidden area of the shoe. Dip the cloth/cotton ball in the vinegar solution and gently dab it on the test spot. Wait a few minutes to see if there’s any discoloration or damage. 

    This step is important to make sure the solution is safe for your specific leather shoes.

    Clean the Shoes

    Now, gently clean the shoes with the vinegar solution. Just dampen the cloth and rub it over the leather in small, circular motions. Focus on dirty areas but be gentle to avoid scratching the leather. 

    If the cloth gets too dirty, rinse it in the solution and continue. This method ensures the shoes get cleaned without being damaged.

    Dry and Condition

    Finally, dry the shoes with a clean, soft cloth. Make sure to remove all the vinegar solution to prevent any residue. Let the shoes air dry completely. Once they’re dry, apply a leather conditioner. Doing this will keep the leather soft and prevent it from drying out.

    That’s it.

    That’s all about how you can clean toddler shoes!

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    Pete Oliveri

    CEO / AUTOR von Freaky Shoes®

    Lernen Sie Pete Oliveri kennen, die kreative Kraft und der treibende Visionär hinter Freaky Shoes. Pete stammt aus New Jersey und ist ein versierter amerikanischer Künstler, der sich seit über 20 Jahren der Konsumgüterindustrie widmet und in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Grafik- und Verpackungsdesign, Illustration und Produktentwicklung unauslöschliche Spuren hinterlassen hat. Sein außergewöhnliches Talent hat ihm Auszeichnungen eingebracht, darunter den renommierten Bio Comics Award für seine außergewöhnliche Arbeit bei der Entwicklung von Comic-Inhalten. Petes größte Leistung liegt jedoch in seiner Rolle als Gründer, CEO und kreatives Genie von Freaky Shoes.

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