Are Crocs Any Good? (Yes or No?) Time to Find Out - Freaky Shoes®

Are Crocs Any Good? (Yes or No?) Time to Find Out

Thinking about getting Crocs and wondering whether they are even good? Well, there are contrasting claims and reviews about them online. Some have called these shoes the best, while some have criticized them. So, what's the truth?

That's where we come in!

The thing is:

Crocs have both plus and minus points, but they are overall good. They are lightweight, tough, comfortable, and super easy to wear. They are also clean-able and affordable, becoming a great choice for everyone.

However, Crocs have some negative points, which you will learn in this article. So, keep reading to know what makes Crocs good and why some people have given them negative ratings.

Why Are Crocs Good?

Are Crocs Any Good?

Crocs are a superb choice because of eight reasons. Let's have a look:


Crocs are super light that you can wear everywhere nowadays. Ever wondered why they feel like you're walking on air? Well, the reason for their light weight is the material they are made up of. 

Crocs have a special material called Croslite, a kind of EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate). It is like foam, which is why it offers both flexibility and lightness.

There's more. The Croslite also makes Crocs resistant to moisture. It means even when these shoes get wet, they don't lose their "lightweight" nature. They stay bouncy and comfy, keeping your feet feeling great all day long.

Breathable & Comfortable

Crocs are all about comfort. They aren't just lightweight; they can mold your feet according to your foot shape. 

Furthermore, the EVA material provides underfoot cushioning (similar to expensive gel-soled running shoes). So, Crocs are for you if you are looking for a shoe with a cushion.

In addition to comfort, Crocs also offers breathability. Their design allows air to circulate freely around your feet. That's why they are also called summer shoes.

That's not it. People who wear them daily claim they have easy water drainage, making them an excellent choice for poolside adventures.

Ergonomically Design

Crocs have a wide-fit ergonomic design that makes them easy to wear. They are incredibly convenient, especially for those who find bending down difficult. They will love this footwear because their feet can effortlessly slide into Crocs.

The chances of any injury, foot fatigue, and sudden shocks are also low because of this ergonomic nature and a unique closed-cell resin. It is a proprietary material that protects your feet by offering these things:

  • Optimal comfort
  • Correct posture
  • Reduced pressure.

So, the chances of getting foot, knee, or back pain are meager if you wear Crocs.

Gives a Casual Look

Crocs are not just any footwear– they are a perfect combination of comfort and style. They've been around since the early 2000s but became a total hit during the pandemic.

Today, Crocs are available in many designs, and you can pick ones that match your fashion preference. 

If you want to wear bright and bold footwear? They got you covered! Prefer something more low-key? They've got those too. You can simply put them on and show off your personality.

Most of Them are Waterproof

People often ask us, "Are Crocs waterproof," and the answer is both yes and no. Let us explain.

Crocs are not "totally" waterproof. But they have some qualities, such as breathability and holes on the sole, which make them water-resistant to some extent. In fact, it's like having your own foot ventilation system!  

So, even if your shoes get wet, your feet can still breathe. That means no more painful blisters or irritated skin with Crocs.

The reason water won't bother you when you wear Crocs is their structure. As discussed above, Crocs are made from a special material (Crostile and EVA) that repels moisture and acts like a barrier. That's why your feet stay quite dry even in damp conditions. 

Note that just like any shoes, there's a chance of your crocks getting wet. This usually happens, especially when you're walking around on wet surfaces.

Also, bear in mind that not all Crocs are the same. Some are waterproof, while others are not. So, when you're out shopping for a pair, we recommend checking the description/label to see if you are buying waterproof shoes or not.

Crocs are Durable

We all want our footwear to last for years. That's what makes Crocs better than many other plastic slippers. Their build and structure make them tough and durable.

Let us explain.

The reason for Crocs' durability lies in their Croslite material. This unique material makes this footwear both tough and soft. On the other hand, any regular footwear may succumb to the pressures of daily use because of its low-quality manufacturing materials.

Here's the average duration of how long the Crocs can last:

  • If you use Crocs a few times per week, you may expect them to last for 2 to 3 years. 
  • But if you wear them more often, around 25 hours per week, they might last up to 2 years easily.
  • If you put them on occasionally, they can last anywhere from 3 to 4 years.

Keep in mind that one of the most common wear and tear signs is the tread on the Crocs' bottom wearing out. In most cases, this happens after 8 to 10 months of regular use

But it depends on how well you take care of shoes (like cleaning them daily, letting them dry when they get wet, etc.).

Still, there is no denying that Crocs maintain their comfort and unique design for a longer time than many other popular footwear.

Can be Cleaned Easily

Crocs, also known as Classic Clogs, have gained popularity for many reasons, and one of them is that they are easy to clean. 

You can easily clean your Crocs with your hand or in a washing machine. However, you must air dry them no matter which way you choose.

Suppose you want to wash your Crocs with your hands and don't know how to do it. Follow these steps:

  1. To begin, rinse your Crocs to eliminate any dirt. You should run lukewarm water for this purpose.
  2. Next, fill a bucket with warm water.
  3. Add a teaspoon of mild dish soap. 
  4. Let your Crocs soak in this soapy solution for at least 10-12 minutes. This time is enough for the dish soap to effectively cut through dirt and grime.
  5. Once they've had a good soak, give your Crocs a final rinse with warm water to remove any remaining soap. 
  6. To tackle those stubborn spots and hard-to-reach areas, you can use a cleaning toothbrush to scrub them away.

That's it!

Now that your Crocs are sparkling clean, we suggest buffing and drying them with a soft microfiber cloth. It is important because the microfiber cloth prevents scratches and maintains the shoes' pristine appearance.

When your Crocs need a thorough cleanse, consider putting them in the washing machine. However, the machine's agitation may wear out the shoes more quickly than hand washing. So, we suggest only doing this when the Crocs are really dirty and stinky.


Crocs are known for being reasonably priced compared to many other popular shoe brands. Classic Crocs clogs are called affordable by many people. They sure are when you compare their prices with expensive designer shoes.

But keep in mind that affordability is subjective as it depends on individual budgets. Moreover, the cost of Crocs varies based on the style, design, and where you buy them from (official stores, online retailers, or third-party sellers).

Problems with Crocs You Must Know

Are Crocs Any Good?

Crocs are not all good. They have a few issues, and knowing them is also crucial.

Lacks Arch Support

Crocs have become famous due to their "easy-to-wear" design. However, one significant concern with these trendy shoes is their lack of arch support. It can become a real problem for those who have flat feet (or any other kind of foot issues).

Note that the foot's arch is crucial in maintaining stability during walking and doing other weight-bearing activities. When footwear lacks proper arch support, the plantar fascia undergoes extra pressure, which can cause foot pain.

That is why wearing Crocs alone is not recommended for individuals with flat feet or collapsed arches. However, such people can use custom orthotics. Custom orthotics can be comfortably inserted into Crocs to provide the necessary arch support, which makes walking easier for them.

No Heel Support

Another problem with Crocs is that they don't support heels much. This makes it harder to maintain stability if you walk on uneven surfaces. Due to the lack of support, your toes may grip the sole tightly, leading to foot pain, tendonitis, and calluses. These issues can be uncomfortable and can lead to chronic foot pain.

Only Recommended For Walking Short Distances 

Crocs are better for short-term walks. You should get them for "occasional" wear rather than making them your go-to footwear for all-day activities. The reason is that they can cause your feet to sweat excessively if you wear them for more than three or four hours straight.

Unfortunately, sweating in Crocs can lead to friction blisters and skin irritation due to the lack of moisture-wicking properties. Your feet can also become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which will make them stink. 

So, if you plan on rocking your Crocs this summer, be prepared for the consequences of sweaty feet. To avoid discomfort, we suggest limiting the time of wearing Crocs and opting for breathable shoes with better arch support.

Collect Sand At the Beach

Crocs have holes that can lead to discomfort, especially when walking on sandy beaches. As you stroll along the shore, sand can enter these holes, which will make walking difficult and annoying (because you will have to remove the shoes and take out the sand frequently).

Luckily, getting rid of the trapped sand is hassle-free. A simple shake or rinse can easily dislodge the sand, leaving your shoes clean and ready to wear again.

When to Wear Crocs? 4 Suitable Occasions

Are Crocs Any Good?

You can wear Crocs on any casual and fun occasion. The top four times people love wearing these shoes are:

For Everyday Strolls

You can put on Crocs and do your everyday chores. Their Croslite design provides a good cushion and is never too hard on the feet. 

But bear in mind that Crocs are not the best choice for devoted walking-focused workouts.

Swim With Crocs

Did you know that Crocs were initially designed as boating shoes? That's why they are an ideal choice for water-based activities like swimming. 

Their rubber material and front holes ensure water does not stay in them and move out immediately. Plus, they are also designed to dry quickly. 

So, the next time you hit the pool, consider wearing a pair of Crocs for that extra comfort and style.

When You're Gardening

Crocs can make your gardening sessions fun. You can wear them and do pruning or general inspection of plants. Plus, they are perfect for mowing the lawn as well.

Now, you don't have to wear heavy boots for gardening, especially in the summer. 

And the best part? You can then clean them later on with a hose. All the dirt or leaf parts will be removed in a second.

Wear Crocs During the Rain

Crocs are slip-resistant, so they are best to wear on rainy days. They won't make you slip and slide, either. Thanks to their reliable grip, you can confidently walk through the rain-soaked sidewalks.

But remember, be careful on wet or slippery ground, just like any shoes. If you want extra safety, try getting ones with non-slip soles.

Final Words

All-inclusive, Crocs have both pros and cons, but they are all overall considered good footwear. They are durable and can stay good for around two years easily. You can also clean them without hassle and re-wear them on the same day again.

In addition, these shoes are lightweight, breathable, and stylish.

However, they lack arch and heel support, which is why they are criticized on online platforms as well. 

Still, they are not a bad choice, especially if you wear them for short walks. They are also perfect for pool and other water-related activities. 

That's all about whether Crocs are any good or not!

Thinking about getting Crocs and wondering whether they are even good? Well, there are contrasting claims and reviews about them online. Some have called these shoes the best, while some have criticized them. So, what's the truth?

That's where we come in!

The thing is:

Crocs have both plus and minus points, but they are overall good. They are lightweight, tough, comfortable, and super easy to wear. They are also clean-able and affordable, becoming a great choice for everyone.

However, Crocs have some negative points, which you will learn in this article. So, keep reading to know what makes Crocs good and why some people have given them negative ratings.

Why Are Crocs Good?

Are Crocs Any Good?

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Crocs are a superb choice because of eight reasons. Let's have a look:


Crocs are super light that you can wear everywhere nowadays. Ever wondered why they feel like you're walking on air? Well, the reason for their light weight is the material they are made up of. 

Crocs have a special material called Croslite, a kind of EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate). It is like foam, which is why it offers both flexibility and lightness.

There's more. The Croslite also makes Crocs resistant to moisture. It means even when these shoes get wet, they don't lose their "lightweight" nature. They stay bouncy and comfy, keeping your feet feeling great all day long.

Breathable & Comfortable

Crocs are all about comfort. They aren't just lightweight; they can mold your feet according to your foot shape. 

Furthermore, the EVA material provides underfoot cushioning (similar to expensive gel-soled running shoes). So, Crocs are for you if you are looking for a shoe with a cushion.

In addition to comfort, Crocs also offers breathability. Their design allows air to circulate freely around your feet. That's why they are also called summer shoes.

That's not it. People who wear them daily claim they have easy water drainage, making them an excellent choice for poolside adventures.

Ergonomically Design

Crocs have a wide-fit ergonomic design that makes them easy to wear. They are incredibly convenient, especially for those who find bending down difficult. They will love this footwear because their feet can effortlessly slide into Crocs.

The chances of any injury, foot fatigue, and sudden shocks are also low because of this ergonomic nature and a unique closed-cell resin. It is a proprietary material that protects your feet by offering these things:

  • Optimal comfort
  • Correct posture
  • Reduced pressure.

So, the chances of getting foot, knee, or back pain are meager if you wear Crocs.

Gives a Casual Look

Crocs are not just any footwear– they are a perfect combination of comfort and style. They've been around since the early 2000s but became a total hit during the pandemic.

Today, Crocs are available in many designs, and you can pick ones that match your fashion preference. 

If you want to wear bright and bold footwear? They got you covered! Prefer something more low-key? They've got those too. You can simply put them on and show off your personality.

Most of Them are Waterproof

People often ask us, "Are Crocs waterproof," and the answer is both yes and no. Let us explain.

Crocs are not "totally" waterproof. But they have some qualities, such as breathability and holes on the sole, which make them water-resistant to some extent. In fact, it's like having your own foot ventilation system!  

So, even if your shoes get wet, your feet can still breathe. That means no more painful blisters or irritated skin with Crocs.

The reason water won't bother you when you wear Crocs is their structure. As discussed above, Crocs are made from a special material (Crostile and EVA) that repels moisture and acts like a barrier. That's why your feet stay quite dry even in damp conditions. 

Note that just like any shoes, there's a chance of your crocks getting wet. This usually happens, especially when you're walking around on wet surfaces.

Also, bear in mind that not all Crocs are the same. Some are waterproof, while others are not. So, when you're out shopping for a pair, we recommend checking the description/label to see if you are buying waterproof shoes or not.

Crocs are Durable

We all want our footwear to last for years. That's what makes Crocs better than many other plastic slippers. Their build and structure make them tough and durable.

Let us explain.

The reason for Crocs' durability lies in their Croslite material. This unique material makes this footwear both tough and soft. On the other hand, any regular footwear may succumb to the pressures of daily use because of its low-quality manufacturing materials.

Here's the average duration of how long the Crocs can last:

  • If you use Crocs a few times per week, you may expect them to last for 2 to 3 years. 
  • But if you wear them more often, around 25 hours per week, they might last up to 2 years easily.
  • If you put them on occasionally, they can last anywhere from 3 to 4 years.

Keep in mind that one of the most common wear and tear signs is the tread on the Crocs' bottom wearing out. In most cases, this happens after 8 to 10 months of regular use

But it depends on how well you take care of shoes (like cleaning them daily, letting them dry when they get wet, etc.).

Still, there is no denying that Crocs maintain their comfort and unique design for a longer time than many other popular footwear.

Can be Cleaned Easily

Crocs, also known as Classic Clogs, have gained popularity for many reasons, and one of them is that they are easy to clean. 

You can easily clean your Crocs with your hand or in a washing machine. However, you must air dry them no matter which way you choose.

Suppose you want to wash your Crocs with your hands and don't know how to do it. Follow these steps:

  1. To begin, rinse your Crocs to eliminate any dirt. You should run lukewarm water for this purpose.
  2. Next, fill a bucket with warm water.
  3. Add a teaspoon of mild dish soap. 
  4. Let your Crocs soak in this soapy solution for at least 10-12 minutes. This time is enough for the dish soap to effectively cut through dirt and grime.
  5. Once they've had a good soak, give your Crocs a final rinse with warm water to remove any remaining soap. 
  6. To tackle those stubborn spots and hard-to-reach areas, you can use a cleaning toothbrush to scrub them away.

That's it!

Now that your Crocs are sparkling clean, we suggest buffing and drying them with a soft microfiber cloth. It is important because the microfiber cloth prevents scratches and maintains the shoes' pristine appearance.

When your Crocs need a thorough cleanse, consider putting them in the washing machine. However, the machine's agitation may wear out the shoes more quickly than hand washing. So, we suggest only doing this when the Crocs are really dirty and stinky.


Crocs are known for being reasonably priced compared to many other popular shoe brands. Classic Crocs clogs are called affordable by many people. They sure are when you compare their prices with expensive designer shoes.

But keep in mind that affordability is subjective as it depends on individual budgets. Moreover, the cost of Crocs varies based on the style, design, and where you buy them from (official stores, online retailers, or third-party sellers).

Problems with Crocs You Must Know

Are Crocs Any Good?

Crocs are not all good. They have a few issues, and knowing them is also crucial.

Lacks Arch Support

Crocs have become famous due to their "easy-to-wear" design. However, one significant concern with these trendy shoes is their lack of arch support. It can become a real problem for those who have flat feet (or any other kind of foot issues).

Note that the foot's arch is crucial in maintaining stability during walking and doing other weight-bearing activities. When footwear lacks proper arch support, the plantar fascia undergoes extra pressure, which can cause foot pain.

That is why wearing Crocs alone is not recommended for individuals with flat feet or collapsed arches. However, such people can use custom orthotics. Custom orthotics can be comfortably inserted into Crocs to provide the necessary arch support, which makes walking easier for them.

No Heel Support

Another problem with Crocs is that they don't support heels much. This makes it harder to maintain stability if you walk on uneven surfaces. Due to the lack of support, your toes may grip the sole tightly, leading to foot pain, tendonitis, and calluses. These issues can be uncomfortable and can lead to chronic foot pain.

Only Recommended For Walking Short Distances 

Crocs are better for short-term walks. You should get them for "occasional" wear rather than making them your go-to footwear for all-day activities. The reason is that they can cause your feet to sweat excessively if you wear them for more than three or four hours straight.

Unfortunately, sweating in Crocs can lead to friction blisters and skin irritation due to the lack of moisture-wicking properties. Your feet can also become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which will make them stink. 

So, if you plan on rocking your Crocs this summer, be prepared for the consequences of sweaty feet. To avoid discomfort, we suggest limiting the time of wearing Crocs and opting for breathable shoes with better arch support.

Collect Sand At the Beach

Crocs have holes that can lead to discomfort, especially when walking on sandy beaches. As you stroll along the shore, sand can enter these holes, which will make walking difficult and annoying (because you will have to remove the shoes and take out the sand frequently).

Luckily, getting rid of the trapped sand is hassle-free. A simple shake or rinse can easily dislodge the sand, leaving your shoes clean and ready to wear again.

When to Wear Crocs? 4 Suitable Occasions

Are Crocs Any Good?

You can wear Crocs on any casual and fun occasion. The top four times people love wearing these shoes are:

For Everyday Strolls

You can put on Crocs and do your everyday chores. Their Croslite design provides a good cushion and is never too hard on the feet. 

But bear in mind that Crocs are not the best choice for devoted walking-focused workouts.

Swim With Crocs

Did you know that Crocs were initially designed as boating shoes? That's why they are an ideal choice for water-based activities like swimming. 

Their rubber material and front holes ensure water does not stay in them and move out immediately. Plus, they are also designed to dry quickly. 

So, the next time you hit the pool, consider wearing a pair of Crocs for that extra comfort and style.

When You're Gardening

Crocs can make your gardening sessions fun. You can wear them and do pruning or general inspection of plants. Plus, they are perfect for mowing the lawn as well.

Now, you don't have to wear heavy boots for gardening, especially in the summer. 

And the best part? You can then clean them later on with a hose. All the dirt or leaf parts will be removed in a second.

Wear Crocs During the Rain

Crocs are slip-resistant, so they are best to wear on rainy days. They won't make you slip and slide, either. Thanks to their reliable grip, you can confidently walk through the rain-soaked sidewalks.

But remember, be careful on wet or slippery ground, just like any shoes. If you want extra safety, try getting ones with non-slip soles.

Final Words

All-inclusive, Crocs have both pros and cons, but they are all overall considered good footwear. They are durable and can stay good for around two years easily. You can also clean them without hassle and re-wear them on the same day again.

In addition, these shoes are lightweight, breathable, and stylish.

However, they lack arch and heel support, which is why they are criticized on online platforms as well. 

Still, they are not a bad choice, especially if you wear them for short walks. They are also perfect for pool and other water-related activities. 

That's all about whether Crocs are any good or not!

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Pete Oliveri

CEO / AUTHOR of Freaky Shoes®

Meet Pete Oliveri, the creative force and driving visionary behind Freaky Shoes. A New Jersey native, Pete is an accomplished American artist dedicated over 20 years to the consumer products industry, leaving an indelible mark in various domains such as graphic and packaging design, illustration, and product development. His extraordinary talent has earned him accolades, including the prestigious Bio Comics Award for his exceptional comic book content development work. However, Pete's ultimate achievement lies in his role as the Founder, CEO and creative genius of Freaky Shoes.

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