About Us

Walk on the Wild Side: Personalize Your Footwear with Freaky Shoes® and GET YOUR FREAK ON!


Freaky Shoes® is the ultimate destination for individuals who dare to stand out from the crowd. We believe that your shoes should be a reflection of your personality, style, and individuality. That's why we have created a revolutionary 3D Shoe Design Platform that allows you to unleash your creativity and design your very own custom shoes with just a few clicks. Whether you want to showcase your favorite logo, display striking images, or make a bold statement with personalized text, Freaky Shoes® empowers you to express yourself through your footwear like never before.


Our Mission: Redefining Footwear Customization


To redefine footwear customization and empower individuals to showcase their true selves through their shoes. We believe everyone deserves to own a pair of shoes that is as unique as they are. By offering a wide range of customization options and a user-friendly design platform, we strive to make the process of designing custom shoes accessible, enjoyable, and exciting for all.


Our Vision: Unleashing Creativity, One Step at a Time


To be the go-to platform for individuals seeking unparalleled shoe customization options. We aim to inspire and empower people to embrace their creativity, unleash their imaginations, and enter a world of limitless possibilities. Through our innovative 3D Shoe Design Platform, we envision a future where everyone can effortlessly design their dream shoes and embark on a self-expression and personal style journey.


About the CEO: Pete Oliveri, Mastermind Behind the Artistic Revolution


Meet Pete Oliveri, the creative force and driving visionary behind Freaky Shoes®. A New Jersey native, Pete is an accomplished American artist dedicated over 20 years to the consumer products industry, leaving an indelible mark in various domains such as graphic and packaging design, illustration, and product development. His extraordinary talent has earned him accolades, including the prestigious Bio Comics Award for his exceptional comic book content development work. However, Pete's ultimate achievement lies in his role as the Founder, CEO and creative genius of Freaky Shoes®.

Embarking on a Journey: Tracing the Origins of a Professional Artist & CEO at Freaky Shoes

From a young age, Pete Oliveri's passion for art was evident. As a New Jersey native, he spent countless hours immersed in creating comic and cartoon-style artwork, sketching and inking his ideas with unwavering dedication. Inspired by classic horror movies from the '70s and '80s, Pete's art flourished into freestyle masterpieces, where he fearlessly explored his imagination and brought to life incredible characters, monsters, and beasts from another world.

Pete delved into graphic design throughout his career, leveraging his artistic skills to excel in various professional endeavors. Since 2003, he has collaborated with business leaders, CEOs, and vice presidents, acquiring invaluable knowledge about product manufacturing and the intricacies of building a successful brand from scratch. With his unique ability to transform a simple sketch into a remarkable execution, Pete realized that he could apply his passion for freestyle horror and fantasy artwork to a medium that people in the real world would adore: custom footwear.

The Birth of Freaky Shoes®: Pioneering Customization and Individuality


In 2018, Pete Oliveri's entrepreneurial spirit and a keen eye for market gaps led him to establish Freaky Shoes®. Recognizing the need for more options in the footwear industry that allowed individuals to express their creativity fully, Pete embarked on a mission to provide a unique experience. He envisioned a platform where people could access top-quality footwear and have complete control over every aspect of their custom-made-to-order shoes.


Driven by his passion and guided by his extensive expertise, Pete set out to create a website that would revolutionize the way people interact with and customize their shoes. Freakyshoes.com embodied Pete's vision, offering a seamless and user-friendly interface that empowers users to turn their wildest imaginations into wearable art. Every element becomes a canvas for self-expression, from logos and text to photos and graphics.


Pete Oliveri: A Multifaceted Talent and Unparalleled Expertise

Beyond his role as the CEO of Freaky Shoes®, Pete Oliveri's expertise extends across various domains, making him an invaluable asset in the consumer product industry. With over 20 years of experience, he has mastered graphic and packaging design, web design, illustration, and advertising, leaving an indelible mark on every project he undertakes. His catalog layouts, content creation, and conceptualization of Point of Sale (POS) displays have propelled numerous product line launches nationwide.

Pete's technical skills are equally impressive, encompassing e-commerce design, website maintenance, packaging, logo design, email marketing, and deep proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Shopify. His mastery of Mac and PC platforms further solidifies his versatility and adaptability in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Pete's dedication to continuous growth and learning ensures he remains at the forefront of cutting-edge design trends and online marketing strategies.

Education and Awards: A Testament to Excellence


A solid educational foundation backs Pete Oliveri's journey to becoming a visionary artist and CEO. He obtained a two-year Commercial Arts and Graphic Design certification from Aberdeen Vocational School in Aberdeen, New Jersey, in 2002. This formal training and his innate talent set him on a path of unparalleled success and creativity.

Pete's outstanding contributions have been recognized throughout his career with several accolades, including awards for comic book content and design. These honors testify to his exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to excellence in every artistic endeavor he undertakes.


My experiences


  • Senior Graphic Designer / Art Director

    A Creative Journey Fueled by Expertise


    Throughout his illustrious career as a Senior Graphic Designer and Marketing Manager, Pete Oliveri has honed his skills and expanded his creative horizons, cementing his position as a true visionary in the field. With an unwavering passion for design and a keen eye for detail, Pete has seamlessly merged artistry with strategic thinking, consistently delivering captivating visuals that leave a lasting impact.


    Conceptualizing and Executing B2B Advertising Campaigns


    As a Senior Graphic Designer, Pete Oliveri has spearheaded the conceptualization and execution of compelling B2B advertising campaigns. With a deep understanding of target markets and consumer behavior, Pete crafts visually stunning graphics and layouts that captivate audiences and drive results. His ability to seamlessly blend aesthetics with marketing objectives has consistently yielded impressive outcomes for his clients and partners.


    Designing Magazine Ads, Email Blasts, and Press Releases


    Within B2B advertising, Pete has showcased his versatility and adaptability by designing magazine ads, email blasts, and press releases that grab attention and communicate key messages effectively. Whether it's a sleek and sophisticated magazine spread or a dynamic and engaging email blast, Pete's designs not only catch the eye but also convey the essence of the brand and product in a compelling manner.


    Creating Promotional Artworks and Sales Materials


    In addition to his expertise in advertising, Pete Oliveri has a keen eye for creating promotional artworks and sales materials that leave a lasting impression. From sales sheets and store displays to posters and postcards, Pete's creations stand out from the crowd, capturing the brand's essence and enticing customers to take action. His meticulous attention to detail ensures that every element of the design serves a purpose, amplifying the overall impact of the promotional materials.


    Catalog Layouts and Seasonal Catalogs


    Pete's talents extend to the realm of catalog layouts, where he has successfully designed booklets and seasonal catalogs ranging from 32 to 100+ pages. With a deep understanding of visual hierarchy and layout principles, Pete curates an immersive and engaging experience for readers, guiding them through the product offerings with seamless transitions and compelling visuals. His catalog layouts showcase the products and tell a cohesive brand story, leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.


    Large-Scale Trade Show Booth Designs


    Pete Oliveri has demonstrated his prowess in creating large-scale booth designs that capture attention and draw crowds in the dynamic world of trade shows and exhibitions. With aesthetics, functionality and cutting edge materials, Pete's booth designs create an immersive brand experience, showcasing products in a visually stunning and interactive environment. By strategically incorporating branding elements and engaging displays, Pete ensures the booth becomes a memorable destination for trade show attendees.


  • Senior Graphic Designer / Marketing Manager

    A Fusion of Design and Business Acumen


    Pete Oliveri's multifaceted role as a Senior Graphic Designer and Marketing Manager showcases his ability to bridge the gap between design and business objectives. By infusing his creative expertise with a deep understanding of sales and marketing principles, Pete creates design solutions that captivate visually and drive tangible results.


    Web-Based and Print Projects for Apparel Manufacturer


    Pete's experience working with an apparel manufacturer has provided him with invaluable insights into the world of fashion and retail. He has successfully designed web-based and print projects, including apparel magazine ads, weekly email blasts, catalogs, and corporate seminar materials. Pete's designs breathe life into the brand's products, creating a visual narrative that resonates with target audiences and compels them to engage with the brand.


    Product Development and Packaging Design


    As a Senior Graphic Designer, Pete has actively contributed to product development and packaging design processes. By leveraging his artistic sensibilities and understanding of consumer preferences, Pete has played a pivotal role in shaping product offerings that align with market demands. His expertise in packaging design ensures that the brand's products are presented visually strikingly and compellingly, standing out from competitors and enticing customers.


    Logo Design and Corporate Branding


    Pete's graphic design prowess extends to logo design and corporate branding, where he has developed unique and memorable visual identities for numerous brands. By carefully considering brand values, target audience, and market positioning, Pete crafts logos that encapsulate the brand's essence and leave a lasting impression. His designs reflect the brand's personality and establish a cohesive visual identity that resonates with customers across various touch points.


    Website Maintenance and Online Marketing


    With a deep understanding of web design and online marketing, Pete Oliveri has successfully maintained websites and executed digital marketing initiatives. His technical skills encompass e-commerce design, website maintenance, email marketing, and web-based graphic design. By staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies, Pete ensures that the brand's online presence remains dynamic, engaging, and aligned with its overarching marketing strategy.


  • Senior Graphic Designer / Marketing Manager

    An Integral Role in PR & Marketing


    During his tenure as a Senior Graphic Designer and Manager, Pete Oliveri played an integral role in a prominent organization's PR and Marketing department. Responsible for creating graphics and layouts for B2B advertising campaigns, Pete collaborated closely with the team to develop visually captivating content that effectively communicated key messages and enhanced brand visibility.


    Conceiving and Designing Promotional Artworks


    Pete's creative talents shone through as he conceptualized and designed promotional artworks that captivated audiences and promoted the brand's offerings. From sales sheets and store displays to posters and postcards, Pete's designs were powerful marketing tools, leaving a lasting impression on customers and reinforcing brand recognition. His ability to infuse creativity into promotional materials ensured that the brand stands out in a saturated market.


    Website Layout and Design


    As a Senior Graphic Designer, Pete Oliveri significantly contributed to website layout and design. By meticulously crafting user-centered interfaces and intuitive navigation systems, Pete enhanced the online experience for visitors, encouraging engagement and driving conversions. His eye-catching web designs seamlessly integrated with the brand's visual identity, creating a cohesive and immersive digital presence.


    Corporate Seminar Materials and Business Correspondence


    In addition to his design expertise, Pete created corporate seminar materials and designed business correspondence. Whether designing impactful business cards or developing seminar materials that conveyed key messages concisely, Pete's attention to detail and artistic flair adds a touch of professionalism and creativity to every aspect of the brand's communications.


    Pete Oliveri's extensive experience as a Senior Graphic Designer, and Marketing Manager has molded him into a versatile and accomplished professional. His ability to blend aesthetics with strategic thinking, coupled with his in-depth understanding of design principles and consumer behavior, has propelled him to the forefront of the industry. With a portfolio brimming with visually stunning and impactful designs, Pete continues to push boundaries, creating immersive brand experiences that resonate with audiences. His expertise has been instrumental in shaping the identity and success of Freaky Shoes, infusing the brand with a distinct artistic flair and a personalized touch that sets it apart from the competition.


    From Pencil to Perfection: Unveiling the Artistic Process


    Step 1: Penciling the Vision


    Every masterpiece begins with a simple pencil in the hands of the visionary artist, Mr. Oliveri. As he embarks on the creative journey, he meticulously sketches his ideas, allowing his imagination to flow freely onto the paper. This initial stage sets the foundation for what will soon become a remarkable work of art. With each stroke of the pencil, a concept takes shape, and the potential for a breathtaking design starts to unfold.


    Step 2: Inking the Magic


    Once the pencil work is complete and the initial outlines are in place, Mr. Oliveri takes his artistry to the next level. Armed with his trusted ink pens, he breathes life into his sketches, infusing them with depth, detail, and intricacy. With each stroke, the designs come alive, capturing the essence of the artist's vision. The inked lines create a sense of boldness and definition, showcasing the mastery and precision of Mr. Oliveri's hand.


    Step 3: Digital Wizardry


    While the inked designs possess charm, Mr. Oliveri's process doesn't stop there. He harnesses the power of digital technology to enhance and refine his artwork further. With careful attention to detail, he skillfully washes his creations digitally, introducing vibrant colors that elevate the visual experience to new heights. This digital washing technique brings the artwork to life, infusing it with energy, vibrancy, and a captivating allure.


    Step 4: Print Perfection


    Once the designs have undergone digital transformation, they are ready to take their final form—custom footwear. At Freaky Shoes®, no compromise is made regarding quality and craftsmanship. The digitally perfected designs are entrusted to the highest state-of-the-art printing standards, ensuring that every intricate detail is faithfully reproduced. The printing process guarantees that the final finished custom footwear products are a testament to the artist's vision and the customer's desires.


    The culmination of Mr. Oliveri's artistic process is nothing short of breathtaking. The fusion of hand-drawn sketches, inked precision, digital artistry, and cutting-edge printing techniques produces unique footwear. Each pair of Freaky Shoes® becomes a wearable masterpiece, carrying the unique imprint of the artist's creative genius and the customer's personal touch.


    What sets us apart?


  • Creativity At Its Peak 

    We believe that footwear should be a canvas for self-expression. What sets our brand apart is our innovative customization experience that empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and design their own one-of-a-kind shoes. Led by our visionary CEO, Pete Oliveri, we have revolutionized how people interact with footwear, giving them the freedom to bring their unique ideas to life.


  • Limitless Personalization Options

    We pride ourselves on providing limitless personalization options to our customers. The possibilities are endless, from uploading logos, images, and text to choosing colors, patterns, and materials. Our intuitive 3D Shoe Design Platform allows users to visualize their creations in real-time, ensuring that every detail is perfect before placing an order. With Pete's artistic background and deep understanding of consumer preferences, we offer an unrivaled level of customization that surpasses industry standards.


  • Quality Craftsmanship and Materials

    At Freaky Shoes®, we understand that personalization should never compromise quality. Our commitment to craftsmanship and premium materials ensures that every pair of custom shoes we produce is built to last. Pete Oliveri's meticulous attention to detail extends to the manufacturing process, ensuring that each design is faithfully translated onto the footwear using state-of-the-art printing techniques. From the stitching to the finishing touches, we strive for excellence in every aspect of our products.


  • Embracing Individuality and Self-Expression

    We celebrate individuality and self-expression, and our brand reflects this ethos. Pete Oliveri's passion for freestyle art and his love for horror and fantasy inspire the unique designs that grace our custom shoes. Whether you want to showcase your favorite artwork, promote your business, or simply express your style, Freaky Shoes provides a platform to stand out from the crowd and make a statement with your footwear.


  • Exceptional Customer Experience

    We prioritize the customer experience above all else. From the moment you visit our website to the delivery of your custom shoes, we strive to exceed your expectations. Our user-friendly interface, prompt customer support, and fast shipping ensure your customization journey is seamless and enjoyable. Pete Oliveri's dedication to providing innovative solutions and his commitment to customer satisfaction is embedded in the DNA of our brand.


  • Intuitive Understanding of Consumer Behavior

    Pete possesses a deep understanding of consumer behavior and market trends. This intuitive insight allows him to create designs that resonate with target audiences, effectively communicating brand messages and forging strong connections. Pete creates impactful designs that drive engagement and loyalty by infusing his designs with elements that evoke emotions and resonate with consumers.


  • Evolving with Trends

    Pete's commitment to staying at the forefront of design trends and industry advancements sets him apart as a forward-thinking designer. He continuously seeks inspiration, explores emerging techniques, and embraces new technologies to evolve his craft. This adaptability allows him to deliver contemporary, relevant, and future-proof designs.


    The Unprecedented Fusion of Art and Footwear


    In the world of Freaky Shoes®, art, and footwear converge, giving birth to a realm of personalized expression and individuality. Led by the artistic genius of Pete Oliveri, Freaky Shoes empowers individuals to step into their true selves, leaving a lasting impression with every stride. With our innovative 3D Shoe Design Platform, we invite you to embark on a captivating journey of creativity where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash your artistic spirit, embrace your unique style, and let Freaky Shoes® be your ultimate companion in the pursuit of self-expression through custom footwear. Step into a world where every shoe becomes a masterpiece, handcrafted with love and passion, and proudly wear your individuality.