How To Clean Clarks? (The Ultimate Guide) - Freaky Shoes®

How To Clean Clarks? (The Ultimate Guide)

 No one likes stains on their pretty Clarks shoes. But you can’t just make a cleaning solution and start rubbing the stains. 

That’s why we made this guide, so that you don’t ruin your shoes with incorrect rinsing. 

To clean Clarks, you’ll first have to remove any visible debris, then prepare a cleaning solution with a mild soap or any leather cleaning agent. Then, wipe down the shoe and repeat.

But there’s much more you should do before, during, and after the cleaning to ensure the shoes keep their shine. So, keep reading!

How to Clean Clarks? (Complete Step by Step)

How To Clean Clarks? (The Ultimate Guide)

Cleaning Clarks is pretty straightforward. You’ll need the right materials and follow the appropriate procedure.

Step 1: Gather Supplies First

Before you start scrubbing shoes, we suggest you gather all the materials first. This will help you carry out the cleaning without any interruption.

The supplies you’ll need are:

  • Gloves
  • A Spray bottle
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Cleaning agent (mild soap or special cleaning agent).
  • A tissue or soft cloth

When you have them, you can begin the next steps. 

Step 2: Remove Excess Dirt and Debris

After collecting supplies, the next thing to do is to remove any loose dirt or debris from the shoes. You can do this by gently brushing the surface with a brush or a dry cloth.

The reason this step is important is that it will make everything easier for you. You can then focus on wiping out the stubborn stains (which we’ll discuss later).

Step 3: Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Now that you’ve cleaned any visible debris from your Clarks, the next step is to prepare a cleaning solution. It will scrub out stains or any stubborn dirt.

There are 2 solutions you can go for:

  • Cleaning agent one: Mix a small amount of mild soap (like dishwashing liquid) with warm water. You don't need a lot of soap – just enough to create some suds.
  • Cleaning agent two: If there are tough stains you’re struggling to remove or if you want to thoroughly clean the leather, we recommend using a leather cleaner. To choose one, go online and purchase the one with the most number of 5-star reviews. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the leather cleaner is for the suede.

Choose the one that suits you and proceed ahead.

Step 4: Spot Clean Stains

This step is super important:

  • Carefully dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water.
  • Take it out and squeeze a little.
  • Gently blot or rub any stained areas. 

Remember not to “over-soak” the cloth or sponge. If you use too much solution, it can cause irreversible damage. We’ve seen it happening especially if the Clarks are made of suede or nubuck.

If you’re using a commercial leather cleaner, then it’s essential you follow all the steps and precautions listed on the bottle. 

Step 5: Wipe Down the Entire Shoe

Once you treat the stains, use the damp cloth to lightly go over the entire surface of the shoe. This step is crucial because it helps to maintain a uniform appearance and prevents water spots.

Again, don’t over soak the cloth. 

Step 6: Rinse and Repeat

One wipe down is not enough. You’ll have to repeat the process several times to get rid of all the stains and dirt. 

So, rinse your cloth with clean water and wring it out. Gently wipe down the shoes again, leaving no surface behind.

Another reason you should never skip this step is that the soap residues can stay behind after the fifth step. This step will ensure you also remove any soapy residue.

Step 7: Dry the Shoes

When you’re done cleaning your shoes, your job isn’t over. Now, you’ll have to focus on drying the Clarks. If you don’t do it, the moisture can impact the appearance of the shoes.

Luckily, it’s easy to do. You can simply place the shoes to a spot where the air circulation is sufficient. It can be near the east-facing windows or the doors. 

Keep in mind to avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight, as they can warp or fade the material. 

Here’s a tip: For suede or nubuck shoes, you might want to stuff them with paper to help them keep their shape as they dry.

This step will ensure the Clarks stay in top-notch condition for a long time.

Step 8: Condition the Leather (If Possible)

Now, this step is optional but we suggest everyone do it. If your Clarks are made of smooth leather, apply a leather conditioner after they are completely dry. This will help to keep the leather supple and prevent cracking.

You can simply get leather conditioner from any store or online shop. Get the one with the most positive reviews, follow the instructions printed on the bottle, and the Clarks will stay in great shape for years.

Step 9: Brush Suede or Nubuck Shoes

After doing all of the above steps, the last thing to do is to lightly brush the shoes to restore the nap and texture.

Now, your Clarks are cleaned and ready to be worn again. 

Remember to do all of these nine steps whenever your shoes get dirty. Don’t delay, as the older stains are harder to clean. 

Even if your shoes don’t get any stains, we still suggest you wipe them once every week to ensure they stay in good condition. 

Why Properly Cleaning Clarks Is Super Important?

It’s essential you clean Clarks once every week because it will allow you to keep wearing them for the years to come. 

Let’s discuss further.

Reason #01: To Preserve Leather

Dirt, moisture, or any stain can ruin the leather. When this happens, the appearance of shoes gets affected. 

Let’s face it- you can’t wear dirty Clarks outside. 

If you don’t clean your shoes regularly, the debris and oil will keep accumulating on the surface. This will speed up leather deterioration and such shoes won’t be usable after some time.

Therefore, to preserve leather, it’s crucial you follow the steps we’ve discussed above. Cleaning and drying will ensure the shoe materials stay in great condition.

Reason #02: To Prevent Odor

You can get in awkward situations if you keep wearing smelly shoes. It’s most likely going to happen if you wear Clarks for hours and don’t clean them often. 

The reason is that bacteria and other odor-causing pathogens thrive when your feet sweat. They like moisture and a dirty environment (which they will get if you don’t clean your shoes). 

When they multiply, the smell is even harder to remove. Therefore, make a habit of wiping your shoes. 

You can use anti-odor sprays here as well. Remember to use them on the insides to get rid of any foul smell.

Reason #03: To Enhance Appearance

Clarks shoes are known for their stylish and classic design. Regular cleaning helps maintain their aesthetic appeal, ensuring that they look good as new for longer.

Also, note that cleaning can also maintain the shape of Clarks. Its’ true. As we discussed before, rinsing the shoes prevents leather from deterioration. 

Reason #04: To Maintain Resale Value

If you like to sell shoes before buying new ones, then cleaning is super important for you. It’s understandable that a dirty old shoe has no or very less resale value. 

But if you have kept it stain-free, then you can sell it at a great price. 

This will eventually help you because you won’t have to pay more when buying a new pair of shoes.

Now you’ve learned all about how to clean Clarks and why it’s important, it’s now time for us to share some valuable tips.

4 Tips For Better Cleaning Clarks

How To Clean Clarks? (The Ultimate Guide)

We can’t stress enough on how critical it is to clean Clarks. If you want to do the right way, then follow our 4 tips:

Tip #01: Waterproofing

In most cases, Clarks get stains from polluted or dirty water. To avoid this, we suggest considering using a waterproof spray for suede and nubuck shoes. 

  • Choose the Right Waterproofing Spray: Ensure the spray is suitable for suede or nubuck. These materials are delicate and can be damaged by harsh chemicals. We also highly suggest you always read the label on the waterproofing spray to confirm its compatibility.
  • Clean the Shoes First: Before applying the spray, clean your Clarks thoroughly. Remove any dirt or debris, as the spray won’t be effective on dirty shoes. For suede or nubuck, use a suede brush gently.
  • Test the Spray: It's always a good idea to test the waterproofing spray on a small area of the shoe first. This is to make sure that it doesn’t alter the color or texture of the material.
  • Apply the Spray Evenly: Hold the can about 6 inches away from the shoes and spray evenly, covering the entire surface. Remember that it’s better to apply multiple light coats than one heavy coat.
  • Let it Dry: Allow the shoes to dry completely after applying the spray, which usually takes about 20-30 minutes. Still, we suggest referring to the instructions on the spray for specific drying times. 
  • Reapply Regularly: Waterproofing sprays are not permanent. They will need to be reapplied periodically, depending on how often you wear the shoes and the conditions they're exposed to. As a general rule, reapply the spray every two to three months. You can use it more frequently if the shoes are worn in wet conditions regularly.

Tip #02: Cleaning by Professionals

If the Clarks get full of stains, taking them to professional leather cleaners is a good idea. They have the expertise and the right tools to clean and restore suede shoes effectively without damaging them. 

So, how to find a Professional Cleaner? Look for a cleaner specializing in leather and suede. You can often find them through online searches or by asking at a local shoe repair shop. Read reviews and possibly consult with the cleaner to ensure they have experience with suede shoes.

But keep in mind that professional leather cleaners are expensive. But the investment can be worth it if the Clarks are your favorite pair of shoes.

Tip #03: Store Clarks Properly

Storing Clarks shoes properly is crucial to maintaining their shape, texture, and longevity. Here are ten ideal places or ways to store your Clarks:



Shoe Rack

Keeps shoes organized and allows air circulation, which is ideal for multiple pairs.

Closet Shelf

  • Protects from dust and sunlight
  • Keeps shoes out of the way.

Under-Bed Storage

  • Great for saving space
  • Discreet
  • Protects from dust.

Entryway Bench with Storage

  • Convenient for everyday shoes, tidy, and out-of-sight storage.

Shoe Cabinet

  • Stylish
  • Protects from dust and sunlight
  • Can be part of home décor.

Over-the-Door Shoe Organizer

  • Space-saving
  • Keep shoes off the floor and organized.

Shoe Boxes

  • Protects from dust and light
  • Good for less frequently worn shoes.

Customized Closet Space

Ideal for large collections, with built-in shelves or cubbies.

Hanging Shoe Pockets

Saves floor space, as they can be hung in the closet or on doors.

Climate-Controlled Storage Room

  • Best for high-quality/collectible shoes
  • Prevents humidity or temperature damage.

Tip #04: Regular Maintenance

If you regularly maintain Clarks, you won’t have to do much cleaning. Here’s what to do:

  • Shoe Trees for Leather Shoes: Use shoe trees for leather shoes when not in use. This helps maintain their shape and absorb moisture.
  • Resting Shoes: Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes every day. Giving them a day to rest and air out helps prevent odors and wear.
  • Replacing Worn Insoles: Change the insoles if they become worn out or start to smell. Insoles play a significant role in the comfort and hygiene of shoes.
  • Deodorizing: Use baking soda or shoe deodorizers to keep the insides smelling fresh. This is particularly important for shoes worn without socks.
  • Repairing Minor Damage: Address minor damage like loose soles or worn-down heels promptly by visiting a cobbler.
  • Seasonal Storage: Store off-season shoes properly in a cool, dry place, preferably in breathable shoe bags or their original boxes, to protect them from dust and moisture.

Follow these tips and you will be able to wear Clarks for years!

Final Words

All-inclusive, cleaning Clarks is super easy to do. It starts with removing any debris and then scrubbing off any stains with a cleaning agent. Then, dry the shoes and apply a conditioner waterproofing material. 

Remember to do each step gently or you will have to buy new shoes!

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Pete Oliveri

CEO / AUTHOR of Freaky Shoes®

Meet Pete Oliveri, the creative force and driving visionary behind Freaky Shoes. A New Jersey native, Pete is an accomplished American artist dedicated over 20 years to the consumer products industry, leaving an indelible mark in various domains such as graphic and packaging design, illustration, and product development. His extraordinary talent has earned him accolades, including the prestigious Bio Comics Award for his exceptional comic book content development work. However, Pete's ultimate achievement lies in his role as the Founder, CEO and creative genius of Freaky Shoes.

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