Adjusting the Fit: How to Make Hey Dude Shoes Tighter? - Freaky Shoes®

Adjusting the Fit: How to Make Hey Dude Shoes Tighter?

Do you own Hey Dude shoes? If yes, then you must want to know how to tighten them. 

Tightening the shoe is important as loose shoes can cause you to trip and fall. It can be an embarrassing and painful moment for you.

So, to help you in avoiding this situation, I am going to tell you the whole process of tightening the shoes. Fortunately, it is a pretty easy and smooth method.

Hey Dude shoes have unique lace fit and lace locks which makes tightening the shoes quite easy. But, there are different tightening methods too for different Hey Dudes shoes.

I will discuss these tightening methods of different shoes with you in this article.

How to Make Hey Dude Shoes Tighter?

Adjusting the Fit: How to Make Hey Dude Shoes Tighter?

Hey Dude shoes are popular as comfortable, light-weight, and ideal to wear the whole day. People love buying these shoes because of these properties.

But, if these shoes are loose or more tight on your feet, you will feel tired and uncomfortable. You can't enjoy these shoes because of the wrong size.

Hey Dude company offers shoes of full size. So, if you wear shoes of half size, you need to readjust the size of these shoes on your feet.

The shoes that can be adjusted according to your feet are awesome. You will find such shoes only in good e-commerce stores.

Just like these shoes, Hey Dude shoes can also be easily adjustable. They have elastic laces which means you can easily slip your feet on and off into the shoes.

You can do it through different methods which I am going to discuss now.

Reposition the Knot on the Hey Dude Shoes

This method is quite easy as Hey Dude shoes have a unique lace fit. It makes tightening shoes a matter of a few minutes.

  1. Slip on your feet into the shoes.
  2. Pull the knots of lace from each side until it is fit on your feet.
  3. Now, tie the shoelaces up when you are satisfied with the fit. You can make a bow or wrap the laces in and out of the eyelets.

Here, a lot of you may have an issue. What to do about the extra laces that are sticking out?

Well, there are different ways to resolve this issue. The first way is to cut the extra part. Pretty easy to do!

But, if you don't want to, there is another lace hack that you should know.

For this lace hack, you can thread the lace through the front lace. You can tug each side of the lace along the side of the shoe. In this method, the toggle should be facing forward.

A lot of Hey Dude shoes don't need the laces to be tied because of their easy-on lace fit. 

Walsh, Jack, Paul, the Men's Wally, Paully, and the Women's Wendy don't need to be tightened because of this unique system.

There is another method too which is known as looping the laces.

Loop the Laces on Hey Dude Shoes

You can do this method if you have a toggle over the knot on your shoes. You can use this toggle to tighten your Hey Dude shoes.

  1. First, wear the shoes.
  2. Now, pull and stretch the elastic laces until the shoes fit snugly on your feet.
  3. In the end, thread one lace under the other. 

In this process, you don't need to tie the knot. Because toggles are enough to keep the shoe tight around the feet.

These are the two general methods. Now, I am going to discuss how to tighten specific models of the Hey Dude brand.

How to Tighten Hey Dude Wally Sox Shoes?

There is an easy method of tightening Hey Dude Wally Sox shoes.

  1. Put them on before tightening them.
  2. Lace the shoes up before inserting a pencil or toothpick through the loop.
  3. Now, it is time to tighten them. You need to pull on both ends of the string. Do it until you are satisfied with the snug fit.
  4. Tight these laces around your ankles. You can make a knot in the end to give a cool look to your shoes.

Note: You can wet the strings before tightening them. This hack will make your work easy.

So, this is a pretty straightforward method of tightening Wally Sox shoes. Now, let's see the process of Wendy's shoes.

How to Tighten the Hey Dude Wendy Shoes?

Adjusting the Fit: How to Make Hey Dude Shoes Tighter?

There is also an easy method of doing it.

  1. You need to cross the first set of strings over the second set.
  2. Now, push them down as you are tying your shoe.
  3. Do these two steps again.
  4. Now, grab both sets of crossed strings in your one hand. 
  5. Let the one end go with your index finger and thumb.
  6. Now, slide all the fingers back to the beginning.
  7. Pull again.

You should make sure that crossed strings don't become a knot.

So, this is another easy method of tightening the laces on your shoes. Now, I am going to tell you some other hacks that can tighten your shoes.

Other Hacks to Tighten Your Hey Dude Shoes

There are some other methods that you can use if tightening the laces is not working for you.

  • Wearing Socks

  • You can wear socks with your Hey Dude shoes. They will tighten your shoes on your feet.

    I know it seems a bit weird but if you pair the socks with shoes appropriately, it will look cool.

  • Machine Washing

  • You can wash your Hey Dude shoes in the washing machine with warm water. 

    Kindly note that it is not recommended daily. You should only wash your shoes with cold water.

    But, to shrink them a bit, you should put them in warm water in the washing machine. Keep the machine to a delicate option.

    Afterward, don't put them in direct sunlight. Otherwise, their color will get distorted.

    You should only do this method when your shoes are very loose. Because once they are shrunk, it is for a lifetime. So, wisely go for this option.


    In the end, I just want to say that tightening Hey Dude shoes is a piece of cake. It will only take a few minutes of yours and your shoes will snug tightly around your feet.

    I hope this article will help you in enjoying the comforts of Hey Dude shoes.

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    Pete Oliveri

    CEO / AUTHOR of Freaky Shoes®

    Meet Pete Oliveri, the creative force and driving visionary behind Freaky Shoes. A New Jersey native, Pete is an accomplished American artist dedicated over 20 years to the consumer products industry, leaving an indelible mark in various domains such as graphic and packaging design, illustration, and product development. His extraordinary talent has earned him accolades, including the prestigious Bio Comics Award for his exceptional comic book content development work. However, Pete's ultimate achievement lies in his role as the Founder, CEO and creative genius of Freaky Shoes.

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